A Flashback to Primary School Programming: Scratch

Because of some reasons, recently, I started using Scratch again. And it’s just because of a sudden idea, I made a game of dodging obstacles.

So I thought, I already made the game anyway. Why don’t I share it with you all? For those of you who share my memories, maybe this game can refresh the memory of your wonderful childhood and programming in primary school; for those of you who don’t share this memory, maybe it can be a nice, relaxing game for you.

The following are preview pictures and the link to the game:

Player's view of Scratch game 'Cat vs Columns'
Speed-up sign of Scratch game Cat vs Columns'
Game over sign of Scratch game 'Cat vs Columns'
Finish sign of Scratch game 'Cat vs Columns'

My game:Cat vs. Columns. To start the game, click the green flag.

On the page under game’s link, there’re instructions as well as notes and credits. I put them here again:

Instructions: Use the four arrow keys to move the cat. You have 30 seconds. If you can keep the cat away from the coming blue columns until you reach the time limit, then you win!

Notes and credits: Thanks to my primary school teacher who introduced me to Scratch and subsequently, the world of programming. Thanks to similar pre-existing games that inspired me to make this. (Unfortunately I forgot the names of the games1.)

Now, I can say that I’m pretty interested in computer and programming, probably because I had a lot of influence from by primary school IT teacher. This interest in IT has made my studying much more enjoyable, and it will do in the future, too. Genuine thanks to that teacher.

  1. I only remember that one of them was to control a bird’s height of flight to dodge pipes. Honestly, there’re too many games of this type. ↩︎

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